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Fuel Reliability Database (FRED) Version 7.0
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EPRI 3420 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94304
© Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. 2001-
All rights reserved

Welcome to the EPRI Fuel Reliability Database (FRED). FRED is a vehicle to collect, store and report relevant fuel performance information with the specific objective to support event-free nuclear fuel performance through timely industry-wide sharing of ongoing and historical fuel performance data and events.

FRED reporting requirements are as follows:

1. Data for the cycle just completed must be entered within 60 days of concluding the refueling outage.

2. Should a fuel performance issue arise during the operating cycle; information regarding the issue shall be entered into FRED within 50 days of discovering the event.

  • If a fuel leak is detected, enter the information on the first three lines of the Fuel Inspection entry page.
  • If some other performance issue is encountered (i.e. incomplete control rod or control blade insertion), enter the information on the Other Performance Issues entry page.

To access FRED, you must first have an EPRIWeb User Name and Password. To request an EPRIWeb User Name and Password, click here. Additionally, you must contact the EPRI FRED Support by e-mail to obtain the appropriate user level classification at: Please send messages to this address if you need help using FRED.

Registered FRED users can click the Accept button to accept the terms of this release and login:  Accept   Reject

Fuel Reliability Database (FRED) Version 7.1
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
3420 Hillview Ave.
Palo Alto, CA 94304

Copyright © 2022 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

EPRI appreciates the support of the nuclear industry in establishing the Fuel Reliability Database (the "Site").

The words "you," "your," or "your organization" herein each mean the EPRI member organization for which you are acting on behalf.

From time to time, EPRI publishes the results of its research in the form of technical reports, databases and other products in accordance with its research and reporting policies. By using this site, you certify that any data you provide ("your data") has been collected and submitted in accordance with standard industry practices and you are authorized by your organization’s policies to provide your data for the following purposes:

  • Publication of your data and related information to other users of the Site
  • Use of your data by EPRI and EPRI contractors to perform research
  • Publication of research based on your data to EPRI members and/or members of the public in accordance with EPRI's policies

Information provided via this Site may be viewed by other users; thus, you should not provide anything of a proprietary or sensitive nature.

All information and other materials provided to you through the Site are "EPRI Materials" in accordance with the terms of your organization's master agreement with EPRI and shall be treated as provided therein, including the obligation to hold such materials in confidence.

Should you have any questions regarding, or objections to, EPRI’s use of the your data or your obligations with regard to the EPRI Materials, do not proceed to the Site and contact the EPRI Project Manager(s).